Amplitude Partners

Cookies Policy

We use cookies to provide you with a better service and a better browsing experience. Performance and recognition cookies are stored in your browser, recognizing you whenever you return to our site and helping us to understand which areas of the site interest you most.


What are cookies?
“Cookies” are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device through your browser, retaining only information related to your preferences and therefore not including your personal data. Placing cookies will help the website recognize your device the next time you visit.

We use the term cookies in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way.

The cookies used do not collect information that identifies the user. Cookies collect generic information, such as how users arrive at and use the websites or the area of the country/countries through which they access the website, etc.

Cookies only retain information related to your preferences. At any time, the user can, through their browser, decide to be notified of the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into their system.

If you refuse to use cookies on the website, you may not be able to access some of its areas or receive personalized information.


What are cookies for?
Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of your websites, allowing for faster and more efficient browsing, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.


How can you manage cookies?
Cookies help you get the most out of websites. However, all browsers allow you to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser.
Once you have authorized the use of cookies, you can always deactivate some or all of our cookies. To do so, please follow these instructions:

Cookie Settings in Internet Explorer – Disable cookies

Cookie Settings in Mozilla Firefox – Disable cookies

Cookie Settings in Chrome – Disable cookies

Cookie settings in Safari Web and IOS – Disable cookies

Other web browsers
Please look in the “help” menu of your browser or contact your browser provider.


NOTE: Please note that if you disable cookies, parts of our website may not function properly.

For more information on cookies and their use, we suggest you consult the following links, which are only available in English: